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Il compound costituente la massa impermeabilizzante delle membrane ELASTOVAL è formato da una mescola di bitume distillato residuo vuoto modificato con gomma termoplastica (SBS) a base di elastomeri radiali, compatibilizzanti sintetici e filler inerti stabilizzanti. Il compound è termicamente stabile, dotato di una eccezionale elasticità ed estremamente flessibile alle basse temperature.


The reinforcement used for ELASTOVAL VV membranes is made up of a reinforced glass fiber which gives to the product remarkable mechanical characteristics, sufficient breaking elongation, as well as excellent dimensional stability. Such characteristics allow to use these membranes on non-particularly stressed surfaces.


The ELASTOVALVV membrane is treated on the upper side with non-stick filler; other finishings such as polymeric film and non-woven may also be used. The lower side is finished with PE torch-on film; other finishings such as aggregate, polymeric films, non-woven non-stick polymers may also be used.


The laying deck shall be clean, smooth and dry. For a better adhesion it may be previously treated either with VERVAL PRIMER (solvent based) or with ECOPRIMER (water based). The membrane is then laid by melting the lower side with light propane gas flame. Edges shall be overlapped, always by torch, by at least 10 cm. on the sides and 15 cm. on top so that the roofing watertightness is granted.


The waterproofing compound of ELASTOVAL membranes is made up of a mix of empty residue distilled bitumen modified with SBS thermoplastic rubber based on radial elastomers, synthetic rubber and stabilizing aggregate fillers. The compound is thermally stable, very elastic and flexible at low temperatures.