Idropittura semiopaca per superfici pedonabili. Adatta per proteggere, migliorandone l’estetica, pavimentazioni in conglomerato bituminoso o cementizio, quali campi da tennis, piste di atletica, viali e marciapiedi. COLORI DISPONIBILI bianco, rosso, verde.
Semi-opaque water paint for foot-traf fic areas. It is suitable to protect and improve the ap pearance of bituminous conglomerate or cement pa vements such as: tennis courts, field tracks, alleys and sidewalks. AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, green
Ecological mat to protect both synthetic and bituminous waterproofing
membranes from damage caused by blunt objects, landfills or any
concrete casting. RUBBERVAL 750 drastically reduces the risk of
membrane perforation, both during the phase of completion of the
roofing/covering and afterwards when the work is completed, ensuring
its durability.
RUBBERVAL is a 750 kg/m3
density mat made up of natural ...
Liquid membrane, elastomeric, fi bre-reinforced, water based, coloured, stagnation re sistant, for the surfaces protection whereas very good
waterproofing characteristics are requested.
AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, grey, green
Water-based coloured product specifi cally formulated for the protection and/or decoration of
prefabricated bitumen polymer membranes.
AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, green, grey.