IDROVAL COAT PLUS è un adesivo all’acqua per membrane bituminose e pannelli isolanti a base bituminosa modificata con polimeri sintetici. Grazie alla sua formulazione ha un’elevata resistenza all’acqua ed all’invecchiamento. SETTORE DI APPLICAZIONE IDROVAL COAT PLUS è un adesivo adatto per la posa in orizzontale e risvolti verticali, entro 40 – 50 cm di altezza, di membrane bituminose e pannelli isolanti, qualora non si possa utilizzare la fiamma o i comuni adesivi a base solvente. Viene impiegato anche per eseguire sormonti di membrane bituminose e loro sigillatura
IDROVAL COAT PLUS is a water based adhesive product, based on bitumen modified with synthetic polymers, for bituminous membranes and insulating panels. Thanks to its formulation it is highly resistant to water and ageing
Water based waterproofing elasto meric liquid membrane, white colour, with very high
solar reflection and infra-red emissivity, water stagna tion resistant. Ideal also for large surfaces. These cha racteristics help all the surfaces treated with IDROVAL
to improve thermal insulation and lower the heat
irradiated by the sun;
energy-saving for conditioning of buildings;
mitigate the “heat islands” ...
Semi-opaque water paint for foot-traf fic areas. It is suitable to protect and improve the ap pearance of bituminous conglomerate or cement pa vements such as: tennis courts, field tracks, alleys and
AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, green
Cold bituminous conglomerate made
of Modified Bitumen SBS containing powdered SBR/
NR coming from end of life tyres (ELT).