PROTETTIVO TRASPARENTE ALL’ACQUA A EFFETTO AUTO PULENTE NATURA DEL PRODOTTO Protettivo trasparente all’acqua a bassa presa di sporco. CAMPI D’IMPIEGO Prodotto da applicarsi sopra il protettivo/impermeabilizzanti riflettenti IDROVAL REFLEX. Associato ad una periodica pulizia, assicura una maggior durata delle caratteristiche riflettenti dei prodotti sottostanti.
IDROVAL REFLEX PROTECT must be applied over the reflecting protection IDROVAL REFLEX. If combined with a periodical cleaning, it en sures a longer duration of the reflecting characteristics of the underlying product
Bituminous paint based on oxidized bi tumen and fast drying solvents with high covering and
protecting capacity
Water based waterproofing elasto meric liquid membrane, white colour, with very high
solar reflection and infra-red emissivity, water stagna tion resistant. Ideal also for large surfaces. These cha racteristics help all the surfaces treated with IDROVAL
to improve thermal insulation and lower the heat
irradiated by the sun;
energy-saving for conditioning of buildings;
mitigate the “heat islands” ...
Water paint pigmented with leafing
type aluminium and primarily used to protect prefa bricated waterproofing membranes based on polymer