Pittura protettiva elastomerica colorata a base acquosa. Il prodotto è totalmente privo di solventi organici, perciò è da considerarsi ad un bassissimo impatto ambientale. CAMPI D’IMPIEGO Prodotto impiegato per la protezione di manti bituminosi dai raggi U.V. e dall’assorbimento del calore o per il trattamento di lastre in fibro-cemento e di supporti in calcestruzzo, mattoni, legno, pietre naturali.
Water-based coloured product specifi cally formulated for the protection and/or decoration of prefabricated bitumen polymer membranes. AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, green, grey.
Water based waterproofing elasto meric liquid membrane, white colour, with very high
solar reflection and infra-red emissivity, water stagna tion resistant. Ideal also for large surfaces. These cha racteristics help all the surfaces treated with IDROVAL
to improve thermal insulation and lower the heat
irradiated by the sun;
energy-saving for conditioning of buildings;
mitigate the “heat islands” ...
The company’s orientation on low im pact environmental products and the continuous re search of Valli Zabban laboratories led to the making
of a product based on very high quality bitumen and
polymers in watery emulsion and special components
of exceptional characteristics.
IDROVAL ELASTIC is a ready to use very low impact
environmental product. It has been specifically formu lated to achieve the waterproofing l...
Semi-opaque water paint for foot-traf fic areas. It is suitable to protect and improve the ap pearance of bituminous conglomerate or cement pa vements such as: tennis courts, field tracks, alleys and
AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, green