Membrana liquida bituminosa in dispersione acquosa, elastomerica, impermeabilizzante, tixotropica. CAMPI D’IMPIEGO Prodotto impiegato per impermeabilizzare fondazioni, terrazze di servizio, canali e per il ripristino di manti bituminosi. Utilizzabile per applicazioni su superfici in calcestruzzo, fibro-cemento, legno, pietre naturali, laterizi e manti bituminosi in genere.
Bituminous water based liquid mem brane, elastomeric, waterproofing, tixotropic.
Water based elastomeric liquid membra ne, coloured and stagnation resistant, for the surfaces
protection whereas very good waterproofing characteri stics and a nice aesthetic aspect are requested.
AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, grey, green.
Liquid membrane, elastomeric, fi bre-reinforced, water based, coloured, stagnation re sistant, for the surfaces protection whereas very good
waterproofing characteristics are requested.
AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, grey, green
Water-based coloured product specifi cally formulated for the protection and/or decoration of
prefabricated bitumen polymer membranes.
AVAILABLE COLOURS white, red, green, grey.